Let's talk


April 16, 2012 | Authored by: Vindicia Team

125,000 Saved Subscribers: The Value of Retention Logic

We’ve often talked in past posts about the importance of customer retention and the impact on customer lifetime value.

A lot of the dialog centered around the retention uplift that CashBox provides. Today’s post highlights a few examples of our subscription billing clients and the *actual* number of subscribers saved from their time of going live with us through the end of last month.

Example 1. A video publishing service with both monthly and annual plans across different product lines. Nearly 8,500 subscribers retained.

Example 2. A kids’ based virtual world. Over 65,000 subscribers retained via CashBox.

Example 3. A sports franchise with a distinct season – February through October – which can be immediately gleaned from the graphic below. In ten months we’ve saved 6,500 subscribers.

Example 4. An online dating company that bills in multiple currencies around the world. Over 44,000 saved subscribers.

That’s a little under 125,000 saved subscribers for just four clients. The value of those subscribers? Millions in annual revenue once you take into account the compound effect of those subscribers over time. The Digital Economy is alive and well, but it takes a clear focus on subscriber retention to fully benefit from it.

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Vindicia Team

Vindicia Team

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