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July 8, 2012 | Authored by: Vindicia Team

NYT: Digital Content, Subscription Billing and Customer Acquisition

The New York Times is the poster-child example for whether a “traditional” media organization can successfully transition to a digital future.

Earlier this week an article highlighted that their digital circulation had crossed 530,000 paying subs and that they expected digital subscribers to outnumber print subscribers sometime in 2014. What the NYT should be more excited about, if the comment at the end of the article is true, is the fact that the bulk of their digital subscribers are brand new to the paper. In short, they did NOT have to cannibalize their existing print subscriber base to show success in the digital sphere, an issue that many publishers grapple with as they move from “print dollars to digital dimes”

Of course, now the NYT has to focus on how they keep these newly acquired subscribers. Last time I checked, we at Vindicia know a thing or two about customer retention, especially as it applies to a subscription billing model. In fact, our latest product Vindicia Select is designed to specifically overcome involuntary customer churn in a subscription or recurring billing environment. The Vindicia Trial recovers revenue on your behalf, with no obligation. We invite you to check it out.

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Vindicia Team

Vindicia Team

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