Let's talk


May 28, 2010 | Authored by: Vindicia Team

Revenue Matters

Revenue growth is the foundation of all businesses, including our own.

So it’s heartening to see our accomplishments recognized by Lead411 in their recent release of “Silicon Valley’s Hottest Companies”, in which companies had to show 100% growth over the past three years. At a rate more than double that Vindicia obviously qualified, but more importantly we’ve proven a point that companies can actually show real GAAP revenue growth that encompassed a period of significant economic turmoil. For that we have to thank our customers who have proven that the digital wave is cutting a wide swath through all businesses, from publishing to video games to software, and that customers are more than willing to pay for a compelling experience that offers more than just access to a service.

We continue to focus our attention on enhancing the capabilities of our clients to broaden their acquisition capabilities and optimize their retention rates. To that end, stay tuned. We have some interesting product news in a couple of weeks.

About Author

Vindicia Team

Vindicia Team

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