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September 11, 2012 | Authored by: Vindicia Team

The Three C’s for Long-term Subscriber Retention

At Vindicia, we’re pretty passionate about helping digital businesses increase customer retention.

We know that prolonging Average Customer Lifetime Value (ACLV) results in a more predictable recurring revenue stream, and in turn, sustainable profitability for subscription businesses. So, what’s the secret to keeping existing customers as long as possible?

One of the most popular webinars we’ve hosted this year features seven common retention mistakes subscription services make that drive customers away. During this 30-minute webinar, Noah Fleming of Peak Retention, explains that every retention issue can be traced back to one (or more) of these three areas.

  • Content: Subscribers spend their hard-earned money on what you’re providing. Content must be perceived as valuable and worthy.
  • Community: Subscribers crave a sense of community for a number of reasons. Build a community of like-minded subscribers to fulfill the need for connection.
  • Character: Help subscribers connect to your brand by introducing an engaging figurehead to develop stories that resonate. Defining the character of the community you want to build gives customers an easy way to identify who your company is or what it stands for.

To learn more about the three C’s for long-term subscriber retention, as well as common retention missteps to avoid, including mistakes with Customer Lifetime Value, watch the webinar, Why They Leave: 7 Retention Mistakes That Are Driving Your Customers Away.

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Vindicia Team

Vindicia Team

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