Let's talk


December 14, 2010 | Authored by: Vindicia Team

‘Tis The Season For Giving

The Vindicia team hopes this holiday season is a safe, relaxing, and joyous one for everyone.

We also want to spread a little holiday cheer and, in that spirit, we have partnered with a few of our clients to offer specific promotions to their services through our Twitter account @Vindicia over the next few days.

Here’s how the program will work: Starting tomorrow, we will highlight one of our clients on our Twitter page each day with a specific offer from them. This might be a link to redeem a promotional code, an offer to retweet a message in exchange for a free subscription, or even a direct trial sign-up on our client’s site. While each offer will be somewhat different, Vindicia Twitter followers have a broad range of gifts to choose from, across several different digital markets and companies that we serve, from online gaming to dating to geneology.

We hope you enjoy the variety of holiday gifts we’re bringing to Vindicia Blog readers and Vindicia Twitter followers over the coming days. I only wish I was eligible for a couple of them!

Be sure to follow @Vindicia on Twitter now to receive our Client Holiday promotional gift giveaways.

About Author

Vindicia Team

Vindicia Team

We value our subject matter experts and the insights each of them brings to the table. We want to encourage more thought leaders to come together and share their industry knowledge through our blog. Think you have something interesting to contribute as a guest blogger? Contact us at info@vindicia.com