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May 28, 2021 | Authored by: Vindicia Team

Be an Ally: Pride month at Vindicia

After a challenging year of social distancing, the meaning of Pride Month is even more significant to us at Vindicia. Our core value as a company has always been acceptance, diversity, and inclusion. Now, more than ever, we walk the talk and continue our path towards opening our hearts and doors to all, regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, race, and religion.

For this year’s LGBTQ+ Pride Month, we are making our own statement, one that speaks to the values and DNA of Vindicia:

Be an ally.

What does it mean to be an ally? It means being proactive in ensuring full diversity and acceptance. It means not being silent, not standing on the sidelines. It means implementing policies and procedures at work that support equal opportunities beyond sexuality or identity and touch the true essence of the individual and their potential. It means giving everyone their rightful and deserving place.

The world has changed. “Equality” is no longer a statement. It’s a mission, a purpose, a mindset, and it needs active presence and participation to make it happen. We are already seeing it unfold before our eyes, with President Biden’s welcome statement on March 31st, Transgender Day of Visibility, the first presidential proclamation to officially honor the day. We see it also in the appointment of Rachel Levine as US Assistant Secretary for Health, the first openly transgender federal official to be confirmed by the Senate.

These are crucial steps worthy of celebration, yet there is more work to be done. At Vindicia, we are proud to be a part of that movement, and we affirm our commitment to Be an Ally, this year and every year.

As a sponsor of Amdocs Pride North America, we celebrate with the LGBTQ+ community this Pride Month and look forward to continuing along the path to a society that embraces full acceptance, with no conditions and no barriers.

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Vindicia Team

Vindicia Team

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