Let's talk


November 2, 2011 | Authored by: Vindicia Team

Campaign Management with CashBox

Digital merchants constantly experiment and test different pricing models in order to broaden their acquisition pipeline and improve customer retention.

The CashBox campaign management capabilities we announced today will even further help digital merchants to drive acquisition and increase retention. Some common questions digital merchants ask us include:

  • Should we have a trial promotion period for our new service, and how long should it last?
  • What benefits can we expect to generate if we provide a one-time discount for leads referred to us by an affiliate partner?
  • What are the A/B testing results from different price promotions and what changes should we make based on the result?

Pricing for a service faces the same life-cycle considerations as the service itself. But with the new campaign management capabilities now available in CashBox, merchants can now:

  • Manage all prices, promotions, and coupons associated with a service from a single environment
  • Analyze and act on the results from various campaigns run through built-in reporting and dashboards
  • Work closely with partners to offer discounted services to complementary products and understand relative successes

We continue to introduce CashBox product enhancements that focus on the twin themes of customer acquisition and retention. With markets and economies continuing to splutter, those digital leaders who understand how to optimize across both will be the ones that survive and thrive in the long run. We invite you to learn more.

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Vindicia Team

Vindicia Team

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