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April 20, 2010 | Authored by: Vindicia Team

Eliminate PCI Compliance With Hosted Order Automation

An article in Internet Retailer Magazine discusses the cost burden Payment Card Industry (PCI) regulations place on merchants of various sizes.

Mind-bogglingly, the effort to maintain compliance and pass the annual audit can easily reach $1 million. To help merchants eliminate this burden altogether, we at Vindicia announced today a new capability in CashBox called Hosted Order Automation (HOA), whereby merchants can completely offload their PCI cost to Vindicia.

Before explaining how HOA works, we’ll briefly describe the background. In a typical online CashBox transaction that’s paid by credit card, a customer who clicks the Buy or Checkout button on a merchant’s site sends his or her credit-card information–securely–to Vindicia for billing. During that process is a moment in time when the transaction passes through the merchant’s server. Even if the merchant immediately deletes that credit-card information, the very fact that it touched the merchant’s server requires that the merchant comply with PCI. That’s true even if the merchant is working with a PCI Level 1 Service Provider in Vindicia.

With HOA, PCI regulations do not apply to merchants who use CashBox because, instead of passing through the merchants’ servers, all credit-card transactions go directly to CashBox. Not only can those merchants continue to enjoy the other inherent capabilities of CashBox, they still retain control of their customer experience, that is, the look and feel and other user-interface components of the checkout page. Yes, having one’s cake and eating it, too, is actually possible in this situation.

To learn the details about HOA, read its data sheet. Feel free to contact Vindicia for more information.

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Vindicia Team

Vindicia Team

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