Let's talk


November 1, 2010 | Authored by: Vindicia Team

“He Could Go All The Way…”

Fall – time for pumpkin pie, back-to-school nights, football, and Chris Berman’s words of wisdom. To this list you now have to add fantasy football as another tradition.

Over eight million fantasy football players add between $1-2 billion to the US economy, making this more than just a casual activity.

Bloomberg Sports recently announced its latest fantasy football product called DECISION MAKER. This application uses Vindicia CashBox as the underlying billing solution, and was launched in under 60 days to be ready in time for Week One kickoff. Bloomberg is another client that has taken advantage of our Hosted Order Automation capabilities, thereby letting them completely offload the PCI burden onto Vindicia while still retaining complete control over DECISION MAKER customer interaction. It’s further evidence that digital merchants both small and large truly understand the implications of PCI compliance and the critical role of a billing solution in both customer acquisition and operational excellence.

Now, if I could only get the application to get Michael Turner truly untracked…

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Vindicia Team

Vindicia Team

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