June 17, 2020 | Authored by: Vindicia Team
Loud and proud: Vindicia stands with the “Black Lives Matter” movement
By the time this is posted, I think the protests have been going on for slightly over 2 weeks or more. The killing of George Floyd has left me in shock and deeply saddened. No individual — no matter their race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, nationality, or disability — should ever have to experience such discrimination.
As an immigrant, growing up in different circumstances and with a different set of issues like caste-based bias (a topic for another day), I did not want to assume anything and per the recommendation of a lot of wise people around me, I instead decided to spend my time learning about the history of racism in America, understanding the issues by talking to people and drawing my own conclusions on the pervasiveness of racism affecting African Americans. Let us first acknowledge that this is systemic racism. Racism and the disproportionate amount of risk faced by African American people in their everyday lives must end.
We at Vindicia stand behind the black community and their call for equal justice. Now more than ever, each and every day we will ask ourselves if we are doing everything we can to help those who are in need the most. We will ensure that we are listening intently to our colleagues and customer base who need us to take a stand. We are learning what we can do and how to be better.
As a leader within the organization, I will continue to educate myself and will initiate programs that will help bring more knowledge to those who are employed in my company and are a part of the Vindicia community. This will include unconscious bias training for managers as well as employees, opportunities for education, and open forums for discussion regarding racism. I know that with the proper tools, we can step out of our comfort zones and help be a part of the change that needs to be made. In addition, Vindicia is donating to the NAACP in order to show our support monetarily as well.
This is not just a one-time statement from this organization; acceptance is deeply rooted in our DNA. Vindicia is and will continue to be an equal opportunity employer.
We are clear where we stand. This is on the right side of history and right side of mankind: Black Lives Matter.
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Vindicia Team
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