Let's talk


March 2, 2010 | Authored by: Vindicia Team

Mis-information is worse than no information!

One of our techs pointed me to the blog of another company that is recent entrant into the billing market.

I just finished reading it and am appalled at the blatant errors.

As an example, it talks about doing a $.01 authorization which does not exist and has never existed. There were a few kernels of reliable info in this blog post, but how do you know which parts are valid? Oh well, all I can say is Qualify, Qualify, Qualify your sources.

At a minimum, ask a 2nd person who has some verifiable background to comment. I have been involved in electronic payments for 30 years. Even with that I know what I do not know could fill a large repository and will admit that I do not know something.

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Vindicia Team

Vindicia Team

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