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July 12, 2012 | Authored by: Vindicia Team

The Operational Infrastructure To Run A Subscription Billing Service

We recently posted a new page on our site that highlights one of our state-of-art operations and data centers.

As a SaaS business focused on subscription billing (and microtransactions and usage and...) we’ve always known that reducing risk for our clients is critical. What does risk reduction mean for our clients? One aspect of this ensuring our clients are extremely comfortable with how we deal with their customers’ personal and payment information. Our focus on PCI Level 1 and SSAE-16 compliance over the last 6+ years is testimony to that.

The second aspect of risk reduction in a subscription billing environment is our ability to support 99.99% uptime. We spend a significant part of our capital budget each year on ensuring our technical and operational infrastructure is the best in the business and provides a level of failover and redundancy that meets the needs of the most demanding digital clients. If you want to truly understand what a few minutes of extra downtime can mean during a busy launch, I encourage you to read this post. Subscription billing is all about creating long-term customer lives – you can’t do that without providing the necessary reliability for your service.

What’s the extra bonus of this data center? It uses our corporate colors – we can’t miss it when we visit.

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Vindicia Team

Vindicia Team

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