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December 27, 2011 | Authored by: Vindicia Team

Scalability Matters In The Digital Economy

The chart below truly highlights the scalability requirements for SaaS providers like ourselves in the Digital Economy, especially during the Holiday Season.

With consumers activating devices, downloading applications, and turning on subscriptions, some of the peak scale needs for merchants don’t fall on Black Friday or CyberMonday, but on Christmas and the days immediately following it. The graph below highlights one particular client, who saw a fair bit of revenue leading up to Christmas, but knew that December 25th and the days following would dwarf anything they had done to date, and relied on us to support their key marketing and sales requirements for the Holiday Season.

For readability purposes, this chart excludes non-USD currencies but the argument remains true independent of the origins of the transaction. In fact, some of the percentage increases are even higher for non-USD currencies. Just in case you wondered if this client could be an outlier, here are a couple of additional digital clients who also saw a sizable Christmas spike.

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Vindicia Team

Vindicia Team

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