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August 25, 2015 | Authored by: Vindicia Team

TableRock Media offers niche-focused OTT service

Although OTT video is already a pretty crowded market, TableRock Media thinks it can compete. According to StreamDaily, the new direct-to-consumer entertainment company will offer a OTT streaming service  focused specifically on hyper-niche markets. TableRock, founded in 2014 by Jeffery Elliot, co-founder of GlassBOX television, and several other entrepreneurs, will have content covering everything from aviation to guitars. In an interview with StreamDaily's sister publication Playback, Elliot said that the company believes there is opportunity in the market if it can hone in on people who are involved in specific hobbies and passions.

"Technology has enabled us to reach these consumers, not only though an OTT offering ... but also though social networking and through events," Elliot said in the interview.

In addition to offering OTT video content, TableRock will provide access to social media communities based around the interests of their subscribers as well as exclusive content offers.

Because the content is so focused, the company expects somewhere around 80 percent of the content on the service to be original. Much of the production for that content will be done in-house.The remaining 20 percent of the content will come from relevant sources. Each niche will have documentaries, films and hosted series.

TableRock's service will be available on Apple and Android devices as well as easily accessible by computers and laptops, set-top boxes and video game consoles. The Canada-based company has not yet determined how much the service will cost subscribers. Currently the company is in talks with a company to get the digital infrastructure in place.

"It is likely that this trend will grow as time goes on."

Niche-focused content is a growing trend for OTT

According to The Video Ink, TableRock's approach to offering an OTT service is in line with what's happening in the industry. The article pointed to The Enthusiast Network, which is also offering content to hobbyists and others interested in hyper-niche content. Another company, Ellation, is offering bundles of highly focused channels to OTT service subscribers. It is likely that this trend will grow as time goes on.

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Vindicia Team

Vindicia Team

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