Let's talk


December 6, 2011 | Authored by: Vindicia Team

The Vindicia Holiday Twitter Program: Peanut Labs

Last week, we announced our 2nd annual Vindicia Holiday Twitter Program with a great set of client promotions.

The Program launches today with Peanut Labs, a client which is known both for its social monetization tools as well as its now legendary Pirates of Silicon Valley Cruises. Peanut Labs recently launched SurveyTool.com which provides a highly flexible and customizable market research service. For today’s promotion they are giving away two codes that extend your free basic account to a PRO account for six months, a value of nearly $150. Here are the details on how to enter.

  • Send an email to info (at) vindicia (dot) com and describe in one or two sentences how you would use SurveyTool
  • Two winners will be chosen from the list of entries
  • The promotion is valid for entries received through the end of December 2011.

Good luck! Tomorrow’s entry takes us into the world of publishing.

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Vindicia Team

Vindicia Team

We value our subject matter experts and the insights each of them brings to the table. We want to encourage more thought leaders to come together and share their industry knowledge through our blog. Think you have something interesting to contribute as a guest blogger? Contact us at info@vindicia.com