Let's talk


January 28, 2010 | Authored by: Vindicia Team

Welcome to Vindicia Soapbox!

I am excited to be the first person to post on our brand-spanking-new blog.

Many of us at Vindicia plan to use this space to discuss the topics near and dear to our hearts – innovation in online business models, profitability through customer acquisition and retention, industry best practices and benchmarks, and the evolution of digital commerce.

Of course, given our strong opinions on a variety of topics, we will probably subject you to quite a bit of randomness along the way as well!

We welcome your feedback and comments at all times, and hope to make this a lively discussion space for all things digital.

About Author

Vindicia Team

Vindicia Team

We value our subject matter experts and the insights each of them brings to the table. We want to encourage more thought leaders to come together and share their industry knowledge through our blog. Think you have something interesting to contribute as a guest blogger? Contact us at info@vindicia.com